Thursday, September 16, 2010

Feud amongst neighbours

I have found a series on internet tv about feuds amongst neighbours. It is hilarious. People are fighting about a hedge that is grown too big and they cannot decide which neighbour it belongs to, another one about a family having 25 dogs and the neighbours being dog-haters. Yet another one about water being polluted, threats and property borders. Where have these kinda telly programs been all my life? I do have a telly (well there were a number of years in the 80's when I didn't have time to watch anything, so didn't have one), but I guess the language (anything dubbed into German does not trigger my interest) has been the issue. Anyway, I am grateful that I have decent neighbours. We all get along, and even if I don't see all of them all the time there are no problems. And if there are, tiny ones, we speak about them. But gotta admit, these type of programs make me feel so good. I am "normal", I am surrounded by normal people, we resolve issues by communicating. Which is exactly the way it's supposed to work.


Anonymous said...

ah, so thats why you liked the fattest loser so much - you hadnt been initiated into the world of reality TV. Trust me when thats about 70% of what comes on TV(and the other 30% is police dramas that are all the same) it gets very tedious. you havent been missing much

Witchbitch said...

Ok I hear you, but right now I am enjoying these shows. There are a lotta freaks out there!