Sunday, January 16, 2011


On Friday I called my friend who turned 99. He got a new coffee machine and a bottle of whisky. Asked him if he tasted the booze, and his response was "can you hear it?". Cool guy. Promised him if he hangs in there one more year I will actually travel to his 100th birthday. Only he said he might not. Hope he will. Apart from speaking a bit slow from the stroke about a year ago and that he cannot move around as quickly as before, he is more clear in his head than most people I know. So it either says something about the people I hang with, or that he is exceptional. I'll leave it up to you to decide.


Anonymous said...

most likely both

Witchbitch said...

And since you are one of the people I hang with...

Anonymous said...

yes, but I choose to believe I am part of the minority of the people you know (rather than part of most people you know)

Witchbitch said...

Haha, you wish!