Sunday, April 03, 2011


I have a friend who every time she visits me has her mobile phone within reach. She texts, she answers when it rings, she fondles it, she IS her mobile phone.

I can sorta understand this. My mobile phone and my computer are mine. I like them, I depend on them, I have them within reach most of the time.

Except for when I have company. Then I don't much care. Company IRL are more important to me.

And it surprises me, that when I text this friend of mine, I often have to wait until the next day to get an answer. Should I read something personal into this?

PS. Mobile phone = handy in Swiss German.


Anonymous said...

I think handy is mobile in German german, in Swiss german its natel ;)

ugh, I hate people who do that. Its the epitome of rudeness. If you don't want to give the people you're with your attention why bother coming

Witchbitch said...

Thanks for the language lesson :). Well, it doesn't bother me that much to be honest, and I usually check my phone too if I get an sms...