Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Change is good for you

Since a day or so I have really bad back pain. So bad I had to twist and turn in my bed to find a semi-comfortable position. Had no idea where it came from, until I realized that I had spent quite a bit of time in front of my computer. Sitting on the right bar stool, with legs casually flung on the left stool, for too long.

When I started to walk like a 90-year-old, ok without a stick but still, I realized it was time for a change.

So now I have changed position, sitting on the left bar stool, with my legs casually flung on the right one.

Who said change is not good?


Anonymous said...

maybe your new chair should be an ergonomic chair

Witchbitch said...

Not a bad idea. Was thinking of getting a bar stool with support for the back.

Anonymous said...

and feet!