Thursday, November 24, 2011

Party and hospital

Last time I was at a party where somebody had to go to hospital, was in the late 80's. A drunken guy slipped on a mat, hit the back of his skull on the floor, started bleeding like a pig and we called the ambulance.

When I offered to help the ambulance personnel to carry the stretcher down the stairs, they took one look at me and politely declined. Perhaps the guy wasn't the only one drunk at that party.

Didn't expect that to happen at tonights party. Really didn't, 'cause most of the guests were older than me. But perhaps this is it, we get older and don't go to hospital for the reasons I was used to, we go there for more serious issues.

I am here for my friends, waiting to help when they need it, not wanting to interfere or cause more stress than is already there. And more than a little bit worried.


Anonymous said...

Hope everything turned out OK with whoever it was.

Witchbitch said...

Yes, turned out fine. He was kept in hospital until the morning, and all the tests showed there was no problem with his heart but rather a muscular problem.