Monday, November 28, 2011

Secret Santa

Christmas eve I gonna spend with some friends here at home. We are four nationalities, all bringing a dish from our native country. Will be very interesting.

We're also gonna do Secret Santa, i.e. buying presents for the other three and none over 10 francs. But you're not gonna know who receives your present, so you gotta buy something that fits everybody.

I did that today at the Christmas market at Zürich train station, and am very happy with my choices. And no, am not gonna reveal it here since there is an off chance some of the guests will be reading the blog.

But I'm very happy with what I bought, I would like to have all three presents myself!

The beauty is not in giving, it's in receiving!


Anonymous said...

so everyone gives everyone else a present? curious

Witchbitch said...


Anonymous said...

isn't that just the same as normal present giving rather than secret Santa?

Witchbitch said...

Well, I don't know who of the three will receive which present.