Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Electronic cig

Gotta give it to the construction manager, he's one clever bastard. He stopped by today to inspect the airing system, due to the fact that the neighbours upstairs feel smoke and food smell from my flat.

He brought me a sample of an electronic cig. Which to my surprise wasn't that bad. It looks like a real cig, but is a bit heavier, and contains a battery thingie in the "filter". It even looks like it lights up in the end when you drag (haha).

The only thing that makes me a bit wary, is that it's his wife who has the Swiss license to sell it here. Well, I ordered now and let's see where this leads...


Anonymous said...

so what is the point of this electronic cigarette? Are you still actually 'smoking' (since I somehow can't imagine you actually trying to give up) but without the smoke and stink?

Witchbitch said...

I should. Got the new ciggies, but a habit is hard to break. Will give it a go though.

Anonymous said...

wow, really?! good luck, hope it works out well for you