Monday, January 14, 2013

Almost engaged

Yes, and then we got to talk about Hitler. And it was ze German who brought it up. A serious discussion about a man who killed himself after having killed millions of mainly Jews.

But it still bugs the Germans. They have to live with the shame of having had a killer of that magnitude.

My friend still have parents who remember, and who have told him what went on. All I know is what I read in books and seen in movies and television.

And I tell you honestly, I do not know how I would have chosen had I been there. It is all so easy to say in hindsight what is right and what is wrong, but under the circumstances then...who knows?

But more happy news, my friend is almost engaged! Well, that's what I thought when he shoved his finger into my face, but it turned out to be a "friendship ring", rather than an engagement one.

What does one say? Better luck next time?


Anonymous said...

is this the hand ..and the conversation of someone I know? ;)


Witchbitch said...

Yes it is.