Monday, January 07, 2013

I feel good

I did it! I took the powerwalk today. Up the hill, and back again for about 45 minutes. And it made me feel so good the whole day, I'm thinking I might have to do it again tomorrow.

I know these feelings wear off pretty quickly, but I think it's a good start of the new year. More fit, and hopefully lose a few kg's. Yes, I believe there is a promise here.


Olzer said...

Keep it up Annika!!! Just promise yourself to go for a walk of whatever length.....once a day. Even if it is when you are coming back from town and the walk is to get off one stop earlier on the tram...... :-)

Witchbitch said...

And I did it again today! Pat on shoulder!

Anonymous said...

yay you. after 3 days stuck inside cos baby is sick (and now me too), I miss my daily walk so much. always makes me feel better