Monday, January 14, 2013

Tough love

You know how it is, sometimes a conversation with a good friend turns into something seriuos.

Today we talked about the job market. How we both believe in not giving too much to the lazy not-working people, but how to support the old people who worked all their lives in a crucial but not so much appreciated profession like nursing. How the unemployment agencies here in Switzerland pay far too much to people who do not work.

And how they do the same in Germany, which I wasn't aware of. At least here in Switzerland there is basically no job security, and people can lose their job in a second with the company firing them giving no particular reason. But in Germany? Ok, there they cannot be fired without being paid off, but still, the unemployment agencies apparently support people with little cause.

Personally I have no compassion for a single Mum with five kids, without a job. Well, she shouldn't have gotten five children if she didn't know how to support them, should she?

I know that the economy here in Switzerland is good, and I like the fact the the job market is competitive. That in my mind is the reason we are not in the position like Greece, Spain or many other countries.

Tough love, that's what we need!


Olzer said...

Tough love yes.....but also tough love with understanding and compassion!!! :-)Also best not to arrive at a conclusion without first knowing all the facts! Maybe a Mother with 5 children used to be a Mother and Father with 5 children until the Father left, died......

Happy walking today :-)

Witchbitch said...

I guess Mum would have to get to work then.

Anonymous said...

Personally I don't think anyone should have 5 kids, but if you did and became single I'd imagine its pretty hard to go and work - who'd look after the kids?
Totally agree on the nursing, its appaling how badly nurses are paid (at least it is at home, and I dont imagine its a lot better here)