Sunday, January 20, 2013

Five years

It is no news to friends of mine that I do not get along very well with my Bro's wife. However, I have put in a lot of effort to change that, as you also know.

I have visited many times, I have tried to be positive, I have taught her how to bake, I have been open since she's the one my brother chose. To no avail it seems.

Although "you're always welcome here", she has not visited me one time in one and a half years. First it was because of my cats, and now it's because of my smoking. "I will not expose my daughter to smoke".

Does she think that I blow smoke in the face of a baby? My friends who visit here know better. Friends with babies will not have to worry, I smoke under the fan. And none of my non-smoking friends have ever complained about it smelling smoke in my apartment.

So I guess I won't see my niece in five years, since that's what Bro's wife said. Good luck with not exposing the baby to life.


Anonymous said...

oh, such a shame, I thought things were getting better. although I have to admit I kinda get where she's coming from with the paranoia about having her baby around smoke. but you're right about not being able to keep her away from life

Witchbitch said...

And they have two cars, polluting the air. I go by public transportation.

Anonymous said...

why anyone needs two cars in Switzerland is beyond me