Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Asphalt is the shit

Was talking to a friend today, who gently suggested taking walks in the forest, avoiding the asphalt, what with my back and all. I'm sure she wasn't serious, knowing me.

However, I am currently snowed in on "All creatures great and small", and am watching it every day on youtube, where some kind person uploaded it.

I'm seeing myself having this big farm with animals like cats, dogs, donkeys, horses, cows, chicken, goats and what-have-you. A big staff taking care of it all of course, a cook, a driver, a foreman/woman, people to work on the fields, a vet, cleaning help, a lawyer to deal with the legal admin, and me in the middle, bossing people around. Ha!

A dream? Yes of course, but not when I've won the euromillion.

And naturally it has to be located close to the city and the lake. Plus that I can throw some business in the direction of my real friends, and my ass to those who aren't.

What a great dream!


Anonymous said...

Maybe when they have the Swiss version of 'The Farmer wants a wife' you should go on it!

Anonymous said...

P.S. hope your back is going better - blogspot was having issues when I read your last posts and wouldnt let me post comments

Witchbitch said...

As long as I don't have to actually marry a farmer!

Back slightly better, but not good.