Thursday, May 09, 2013


A neighbour of mine had birthday today. I had agreed to meet up with them this evening. So took my little gift, some cinnamon rolls and a bottle of vino and went there. No answer. Weird.

Turned out they got delayed due to some baby business, but we finally made it. I walked in there hearing "have you got your camera with you, I have something for your blog". Nope, didn't.

Was a grill filled with burned meat. They were planning on grilling, and due to a telephone call forgot all about it. Now they have to deal with a smoke-coloured balcony roof (haha, I have one too, but indoors), and a grill that needs replacing. Just thankful they didn't burn the place down.

And they did get to have cinnamon rolls for dinner.

Funny thing, when I was leaving, the 3.5 year-old didn't want to let go of my wine bottle (I always bring a bottle with a cooling bag around it and so that they do not have to get rid of the empty one bring it back with me), I guess she wanted me to stay. I smell good she said to her Dad, I told her it was smoke and wine aroma. She might be a better person than I've seen so far!

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