Wednesday, May 29, 2013


And old friend, actually he's both older than me and has been a friend for a very long time, told me today he had tried an anti-wrinkle creme that he got as a present. He's not very vain, but I guess like me, do not like to see things go to waste.

So over ten weeks he dutifully applied the creme under his eyes, anxiously awaiting result. I guess you know what happened. Absolutely nothing. Probably would've had a better result with a rubber band.

But it got me thinking. I look at myself in the mirror every morning, of course I do, but I seldom really see. I don't scrutinize myself. I've never had an interest in cosmetics, and very little interest in how I look. I call it natural beauty, but it's probably just laziness and disinterest combined.

Today I did, and I found that I have practically no wrinkles on my forehead. To worry is just not my thing. But what I do have are two "irritation"-wrinkles on the root of my nose, between my eyebrows. That does make sense, since I used to get irritated a lot. Less so today, but I still have a temper.

Of course, it could just be the genes speaking.


Anonymous said...

you are indeed quite wrinkle free. maybe all that time living in places with no sun and general avoidance of physical labour and the great outdoors ;)

Witchbitch said...

You see! It pays off to be lazy :).