Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Organ donation

While I was donating blood again today, I noticed a donation broschure. A Swiss one. I have an organ donation card in my wallet since decades, but thought it may prove beneficial to have a Swiss one too. Just in case people here cannot read my mother tongue.

But I did read through it, since I wanted to make sure that no organs of mine are taken while I'm still alive. My friend laughed, but I'm serious, I don't want a band of Eastern European torpedos after me looking to sell my heart or liver on the black market. Mind you, my lungs are probably more suited for student doctors to study. Which is still something I'm considering. Giving my body up for science once I'm dead.

In the meantime, I'm signing ze Swiss donor card. Just in case.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, somehow I don't think 'a band of Eastern European torpedos' would care if you'd filled in the form properly or not if they wanted your organs for the black market

Witchbitch said...

Haha, you do have a point!