Friday, May 24, 2013

The chicken and the egg

I've been thinking about this egg business, moving over to buy only bio-eggs, but in order to be consequent, I should also only be buying chickens that have been roaming free. They cost an arm and a leg, like 20 francs for one chicken!

I'm not willing to pay that price. This poses a bit of a dilemma. I want to be fair to the chicken, but then I gotta be fair to other animals too, like cows and sheep and stuff. And how am I to know how all these animals I eat yearly are having a good life while they live?

It's exhausting thinking about.


Anonymous said...

unfortunatley in our complicated world its so so hard to live ethical. but we do what we can, and I've got a good answer for you when it comes to the meat ;). but seriously, if you can afford to buy your own home in Zurich, then you can afford to pay a little more for a free range chook, right?

Witchbitch said...

No, I'm not gonna turn into a vegetarian, I love my meat. And yes, I could afford to buy my home in ZH, therefore I watch my expenses now.

But seriously, I don't wanna splash out 20 francs on a chicken, unless I'm really sure it's from a "good home". Am I supposed to do research on every piece of meat I buy from here on?

Anonymous said...

yeah, like you said, its exhausting trying to be ethical. and I discovered when I went to Coop today they dont even have free-range version of chicken fillets, only for whole chickens or drumsticks. and the bio-eggs only come in 6 packs. and they're like a franc an egg. oh, life is hard!

Witchbitch said...

And expensive!