Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Now when it is airy in my apartment, due to lack of a sofa, I decided it was time to clean the windows. Do some spring cleaning. Then I realized it was kinda dirty around on the frames too, so even though I have this steamer, it took some time. Actually, I've done a few windows every day. It is sweaty work, which I'm certainly not used to. And don't particularly like.

So I was very pleased when my cleaning lady called in to check whether I needed some help. YES! On Friday we'll do the rest of the windows including all the framework around. Probably should've done that before, but only been living here 3,5 years.

While on the balcony cleaning from the outside I realized there were moss growing in between the tiles. Not only that, but cat hair in droves. They like to roll around out there, and the hair sticks in between, so there was I wearing a glove with a knife in my hand, pulling out weed and hairs and gooey stuff. Yikes.

Sometimes I think rental flats are the shit.


Anonymous said...

even in rental flats you have to do your own cleaning

Witchbitch said...

Really :) ? I still think you care a bit less if the flat is not your own.