Thursday, July 11, 2013


I dunno. I used to be pretty quick in picking up things, including languages. That was before I tried to learn German. Mind you, I'm not a linguistic person, but I did all right after practising a lot.

And I know I am pretty much fluent in English, and can understand other languages, but with German I am very unsure.

Some of my friends correct me once in a while, and I don't know whether it is that I speak so good that the few mistakes I make need correction, or if I am so bad that the corrections are made to make my talking intelligible.

It's excruciating not knowing!


Anonymous said...

really? what difference would it make if you knew?
Probably if you can't tell if your German is good or bad you're not using it much - the only way to get better is to use it more ;)


Witchbitch said...

But I wanna know!