Monday, July 22, 2013

Two smiles

I must say I didn't have very high expectations when I decided to join a dating site a few days ago, and at first my suspicions were confirmed.

When you have registered a certain percentage of your profile, you're allowed to join a chat-room. That was a waste of time I can tell you. Nothing of importance said, and bad jokes.

Howevere, you can also view profiles and send or receive a "smile". I must admit I've taken a bit of a passive approach here, just posting an enough interesting profile without revealing too much, and then waiting.

Yesterday I received a "smile". Checked the profile and no, I don't think I'll be wanting to meet an overweight married man who's looking for a woman. No answer from me.

However today I got another "smile" from what seems to be a perfectly normal guy judging from his profile. And a plus, he has a dog. So playing it safe, we'll meet up somewhere in town and walk his dog and see what happens. He's either dull as a "insert appropriate", or an interesting person. Either way, nothing to lose.


Anonymous said...

ah, those kind of 'friends' ;). Well, enjoy and good luck! Will look forward to hearing the outcomes


Witchbitch said...

You will later this week.