Monday, March 31, 2014


What is it with asparagus that makes the pee stink like hell? I was at a do this evening, and sandwiches was served. Had one with asparagus on it, and now my bathroom is stinking.

On one hand, isn't it good that the kidneys get refreshed and rid of all the junk I put into my body? But on the other hand, can this really be healthy?

Besides, I put much less junk into my body these days, and eat almost exclusively homemade food (obviously except for chocolate when served).

Explanation anyone?


John said...

" the vegetable's sulfurous amino acids break down into smelly chemical components in all people. And because those components are "volatile," meaning airborne, the odor wafts upward as the urine leaves the body and can be detected as soon as 15 minutes after you eat this spring delicacy."

I also read that only 1/4 of the population has the gene that allows you to smell this asparagus smell. Everyone produces it when they eat asparagus but only some people can smell it. !! Totally normal..and asparagus is healthy! I guess we just have to wear nose plugs in the bathroom. which come to think of it...might be a good idea anyway! lol!!


Witchbitch said...

Jeez, not sure I understood all that but being a smoker I would've hoped my smelling sense would be less sensitive. It is not.