Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The fatter the better

It is very interesting to experience the reactions of my friends, knowing that I now eat healthier and exercise more, resulting in a weight loss. I don't know how many kilos I've lost, since I'm not a fan of scales, but it's gotta be some since my pants are now fitting and are even lose.

But the point I'm trying to make is, no man has noticed a difference. All women do, and comment on it. None of the men I know see a change in me.

Interesting. But since I didn't make the change for men, but for me, I do admit I feel much better. Healthier and more happy with myself.

Screw the men, what do they know anyway?

And for all the insecure women out there, men are stupid, they don't care about your weight, they care about how many times a week they can get screwed :).


Anonymous said...

True, men do seem to notice these things less often, but I think its also the case that men are less likely to comment although they have noticed. Commenting on women's weight is a bit of a mine field!


Witchbitch said...

I would be happy to hear a comment about lost weight from anybody!