Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cold shoes

I was discussing my new sporty shoes with a friend of mine, and when I complained that it takes time to walk them in, he suggested I put them in the freezer. Like a housewifey tip from a man. Yeah right!

But later that evening after a few drinks I thought why not try? Then I forgot all about it, and got quite a surprise when I opened the freezer again after a few days. Had to laugh at myself.

However, somehow it seemed to have worked. I really dunno why, and maybe it's in my head, but today those shoes seemed more comfortable.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, well, no offense but I think the fact that they are 17 buck shoes goes a long way to explaining their lack of comfort.


Witchbitch said...

I don't agree, but it takes time to walk in new shoes.