Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I'm a sucker for cheese. I really love it. And one of my favourites is Gouda. I dunno if it's because I lived in Holland, but I think it's more because it reminds me of a cheese I often ate as a kid. It's mild, but has a distinct cheesy flavour.

The point is that I was buying it today, and just as I was picking up a triangle, I realized there was a package next to it with sliced Gouda. Which was cheaper than the triangular one. How can that be?

I mean, somebody has to slice the cheese, which means more cost. Ok, so a triangular one also needs to be sliced, but still, slicing it into perfect pieces must take a machine. So I guess a machine is cheaper than the labour of a person.

Yes I think this is the way the world is going. People will be obsolete, and machines will take over. I'm sure somebody has made a film about it already.

And I'm glad I was born when I was.

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