Thursday, December 25, 2014

Blood is so not thicker than water

Christmas is usually a family thing, a gathering of all sorts of family relations, food, gifts, and whether you like it or not, it's the tradition. I used to love it. That is when I still had a family.

Since quite a few years I have learned to not care, or find other ways to celebrate. Life goes on. But I have to admit that when I ran into a friend yesterday, and it turned out that he had no plans either, I was happy. So we met up, had a nice Christmas dinner and later in the evening I realized I had some sms's on my phone (ok, may consider to upgrade since I almost didn't get the msg's, it was only when somebody else called and my phone made a noise that I could hear), from friends nearby, asking if they could stop by for a drink.

Of course they could. So we ended up with four of us, good friends, no stress, drinks and sweets, and even though I got ditched about my "Switzedütch", I ended the evening having warm fussy feelings.


Anonymous said...

nice, glad you had a good one!

PS did you mean 'dissed' maybe? ;)


Witchbitch said...

Maybe :).