Saturday, December 06, 2014

So sweet

Had some friends over this evening for a nice dinner and a very interesting conversation. They are both older than I, and have since about a year a relationship. They have both been married, and done the family thing for many years, but are now ready for a new late-in-life relationship.

They are both tripping around, talking about a "try-out-period", which for them is living together for a week to see how it goes. I'm more like "you're old enough to know what you want, why wait, go for it, if it doesn't work out you'll find out". I mean, in their age (and yes, I refuse to put myself in that group :)...why not jump off the cliff? It's not like they haven't lived, haven't loved, haven't been-there-done-that and so forth.

But it's very sweet to watch these "older" people, acting like teenagers. And I get to watch, sitting in first row so to speak. It's so sweet. And btw nothing I'm longing for myself. In case you wondered.

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