Thursday, December 25, 2014

I got money!

I got a Christmas gift, money. I love money. Not that I care about money as such, but the freedom it buys me. But today I got money as in coins. Special coins, printed with a name. A bit weird I must admit.

Turns out to be "money" printed with a name of the owner of a restaurant empire. Well, empire in Zürich which may be stretching it, but still. Rich in Zürich is pretty rich.

They miss me. I used to go out a lot, and now I don't, so it was given to me as an encouragement to go party again. What a dilemma!


Anonymous said...

see, I told you people had to be paid to go there! he, he


Witchbitch said...

As I remember it, you've been there and had fun :).