Monday, December 01, 2014

Thumb ok

So after two more or less sleepless nights with pain and useless painkillers, my thumb is on the mend. No more pain, and I'm down to just two tiny plasters. But the effect of the painkillers made me retain water, so one day I gained a kg, the next day I was peeing every half hour.

I know, whine-whine-whine but it was scary and unnecessary. One of these things that happen. And enough of the complaining now.

Had to laugh when I took the Band-Aid's off, looking at an extremity that didn't look like it belonged to me. All white and raisin-like. But back to normal after an hour or so. Again, it's amazing what such a small wound can do to a persons well-being.


Anonymous said...

wow, what a saga just from trying to give the horse a carrot! glad it's all OK now.

he he with the white wrinkliness - did you have the same band aids on the whole time?


Witchbitch said...

At first I kept it on for two days, now I change every day and even yesterday it was still a bit open wound.