Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas cake

Had another order for a cake, so decided to step away from the traditional green and go Christmas.
I really hope it tastes like normal, meaning great, since I realized coming home from shopping that I had no baking powder at home. Used natron instead. And did add some lemon juice, as advised from the world wide web that said "never substitute baking powder with natron without adding something acidic". Why? I have no clue, but had to trust the www.

And the actual cake looked ok, and I'm sure, together with raspberries, vanilla cream and whipped cream it'll taste delish. Tomorrow I'll decorate it.


Anonymous said...

Ooo, hope this substitution works out better for you than has for me! Baking soda (natron) is really alkaline, hence needing something acidic to neutralise it. When I did this the cake was inedible because of the strong bitter alkaline taste :(. you also need much less baking soda than baking powder.
good luck!

Witchbitch said...

Oh dear, I haven't actually tasted the cake yet, but I did use less natron than I would've baking powder.

Anonymous said...

so, how did it turn out?


Witchbitch said...

Actually it turned out fine, except for it was a bit burnt at the bottom, but that may not have been the natrons fault.