Saturday, June 30, 2007
All is forgiven
Ok, I have to cave in. M was right. It does stink in the kitchen. I thought it was the remnants from the lavender, but he was right. It really does stink in there. Only, we cannot work out where it comes from so had a very strange conversation today when we both were home for like 20 min changing before going out again.
Me: "yes, you're right, it stinks". M: "perhaps it's a mouse that died behind a cupboard". Me: "WHAT?". M: "well, if it is, it's going to finally stop because mice die and then turn into a skeleton". Me: "Hmm."
I sniffed around today but am not able to find the source. Highly irritating. And part of me still thinks about that the kitchen was nice-smelling when I left for holiday...
Sometimes I get really funny jokes sent to me. Unfortunately I cannot post them here on the blog, since blogspot doesn't like certain files. So I have to tell the joke in words. Not as funny I know, but still.
Picture this: guy approaches a car. Tries to find the keyhole. Police appears. Saying "Have you been drinking?". Guy answers (in a drunken voice): "A couple of drinks, that's all". Police: "would you like to take a sobriety test?" continuting "Would you sleep with my colleague here?". Ugly woman appears. Drunken guy goes "ay". Police: "cuff him".
Was having dinner with a group tonight. V. nice. But of course they were wimps in terms of partying. So ended up at my usual place (of course they missed me...ANNIKA, where have you been?). They had the good taste of not saying: "Annika, where has your money been". I appreciate that.
Anyway, this guy comes in. Started to flirt. I ignored. Fortunately a guy I know came in, so flirting guy kinda nodded towards my acquaintance as to ask if we were together. I nodded vigorously. And at the same time thought 'are you insane?...would I be together with an oldie?'.
But it worked. Until old guy left. Then I had to use the heavy artillery. "Go away. I'm not interested!" Fortunately I didn't have to bring out the cannon "you're ugly"...
Friday, June 29, 2007
Need for holiday
Only been back a day and already I feel a need for more holiday. Or perhaps just a decent nights sleep. Am tired, but have to gear up, get changed and join a group for dinner in an hour.
Later, friends.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
North Cape
It is a good thing to stay friends with ex's. Today I got a postcard (you know the paper ones with a picture on it...remember those?) from the ex's parents. They are on tour up to North Cape.
Even though I come from Scandinavia I have never set foot there. Too many mosquitos if you ask me. But they seem to like it. Exotic for them I guess. About as exotic as Switzerland is to me :),_Norway
Memory like an elephant
I hate people who have memories like an elephant. Like "I remember 19xx in August when this and that happened". Like today. Met a friend of a friend, and we talked about the boat. Turns out he had been on it. Ok, so when he mentioned it I remembered. But not when. He goes "it was last September, the weather was nice".
I like to think that too many things happen to me, and therefore my brain choose to keep what's important. Or Alzheimer light, anybody?
Was just coming home from dinner with friends. M was one of them. He hadn't read up on the blog. So had to relate everything again. Tiring :).
Coming home just now. Heard from the guest room "you wanna get a cat??". HAHAHA. Answered "comment on the blog".
Strange way of communicating when you live together :)...but I much prefer a cat to murder snails...
Wine in a box
On the positive side is that there is my first tomato growing...
Hen party
The cutest
M, what do you think? An extended "family"??
Home sweet home
You know the feeling when you've been travelling. It is nice coming home, feeling the "home" smell, park your hat (so to my case my new and extremely cool leather jacket :) and just relax. Then walk around, checking that nothing has changed since you left. Again, no such luck today.
Walked into the kitchen and WHAT!!! A housewife or my grandmother (bless her memory) seemed to have moved in. Lavender aroma all over the place. Some small little fabric bags were placed strategically, smelling. So were some sticks in a glass which also smell. Where did my home smell go?
Not only that. When I went to the toilet a thingie has been placed inside the toilet bowl. Once of these plastic ones you know that emanate a lemon smell or something. I don't feel at home anymore.
Guess I should change the headline to read: Home sweet lavender home...or something :)
Being met
There are few things in life that are so nice as being met at an airport. Especially when you have travelled as much as I have for work, and there never is anybody waiting. Therefore I was pleasantly surprised when the ex offered to pick me up today.
Not that I trusted him. Wise from experience, but nevertheless I was looking forward. I don't care that I had to send one email (which he never read), answer one phone call when I again gave him all the flight info, and this morning once again gave him the arrival details on sms. He actually showed up. V. nice. Especially since I had 23,4 kg luggage. Heavy. Not as heavy as last year when I had about 28 kg's, but that was probably because I had hand luggage this year with 10 kg's :)...only books.
So when I was stopped at customs, I only had the blue gin that M ordered (why oh why? It tastes like shit. And of course ciggies for me). Plus some candy. If the guy would've been good-looking I would've asked for a body-search, but no such luck today...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Murder snails
I am currently staying with a friend of the family, who to my surprise has a murderous streak in her. She's engaged in a war. With murder snails.
All of a sudden she disappears, bringing a pair of scissors. This afternoon she came back in, proudly claiming that she just killed 59 snails. In 8 minutes. She simply cuts them in half.
It's not exactly like I like snails, quite the opposite actually, unless they are served on a plate with garlic sauce :)...but I would never kill them. I'm too squeamish. And they are really disgusting. At least what's left of them.
Old R
Met an old friend this evening. It's kinda a private joke with him being called "Old R". Comes from a time when I called him and his daughter answered. I asked for R and heard her yell "Dad, it's old Annika". HAHAHA. Ish.
Guess I'm old in comparison since she was something like 14 at the time. My memory tells me I was around 20...but I could be wrong. It has been known to happen once before :)
Had a nice evening. Hadn't seen him since my birthday party last year. And he brought a present. A dvd with 1) my birthday party from Copenhagen...didn't even know he filmed to see...less cool when he filmed me making a speach...but fun anyway and 2) an old kick-off party movie from the late 80's. Oh dear. Me with a perm. And old R doing the Norwegian space helmet. Very very funny...HAHAHAHAHA! Remind me to tell you what a Norwegian space helmet is in a later blog.
All in all a very nice evening. And good to know that friends are around, since it has been raining non-stop since 6 o'clock this morning (not that I was awake) and still is...19 hours later...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Where does rain come from?
How is it possible to rain without any break? It has now been raining constantly for days. Cold, grey and rainy. I'm tellin' ya. Next time I'll go south for holiday. This is not normal.
But I can see that it's raining in Zurich too. Good for my plants, since I'm not sure that M takes his responsibilities seriously. He's in charge of watering my plants.
Am starting to be homesick actually. I miss my flat, my boat and my friends. And the climate :)...saw that the forecast says sun in the end of the week. Excellent. That's when I'll be back. Like the Terminator :)
Totally cool
I am so cool. Bought a new leather jacket today. On sale of course. When back home I'm gonna cruise the city feeling like an uber-mensch in my new and cool outfit. Can't wait!
So much for loyalty. Here I am, on holiday, with a keyboard that differs from the one at home. And still I blog. Ok, I know I said that I wouldn't but when I found a computer online I blog. But where are you my dear readers? Not a loyal bone in your bodies...and here I wanted to include a smiley but can't find the keys...
M has apparently gone into hiding...not answering sms...which makes me wonder what state my flat will be in when I get back...oh dear, do I really have to worry now? Had a walk-through a garden today...interesting how many plants, herbs, flowers, vegetables etc etc you can have...remind me to tell you about murder snails later...
Anyway, (or anzwaz as mz kezboard sazs :)), a littl bit drnk nw :) so funnz :)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Some people age with grace
Not entirely sure I'm one of them, but a friend of mine surely is. He's 94 and more clear in his head than I am. Visited him today. He had set the table with the nice china coffee cups, "we bought them when we married", which must've been around 70-75 years ago. Cool. They looked new.
This guy has a flat that is cleaner than mine. Mental note to oneself: 'must tell M :)'.
Also visited some other people I haven't seen in a while. It is so nice with people who appreciate a surprise visit.
Next mental note: 'must remember to inform the Swiss...surprise visits are nice'.
So, having a good holiday. Only downside is that everybody seems intent on feeding me until I drop. Am having a second-wave diet when getting home. Need to get back into those sexy bikinis I bought here :)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Hello from Scandinavia
Beats me why I chose to go to Scandinavia on holiday. Haven't seen so much rain in years. But the flight here was delightful. The whole crew was female, the pilot, the co-pilot and the stewardess. Nice flight and reasonable service. Including a meal and drinks. For free. Not often that happens these days.
One thing that I thought was a bit funny though. In the aeroplane toilet a sign said "please deposit used toilet paper in the toilet bowl". Where else would I put it?? In the sink? Bring it with me? But I guess there must've been a reason for the sign...which is quite disgusting to think about.
Otherwise I'm enjoying my time here, am getting quite spoiled as a matter of fact. Am being served the food I like, being driven around like I have a private taxi service, and in general having a good life. In a few days I'll be back home, I wonder if M is up to dealing with my new spoiled self :) ??
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Packing technique
M asked me yesterday if I was packing for my holiday. HAHAHAHA! One day before travel? Never. More like 5 minutes before leaving. Or maybe 15 to be on the safe side.
Only once in my life have I forgotten something, and that was a towel. Guess what? You could buy a towel in the Caribbean.
So no, blogging is much more interesting than packing...but will get around to it fairly soon. Off in a few hours.
Happy camper
NOT!!! So I get up early on my first day of holiday, in order to go 6 stops with the bus to pick up that registered letter than someone sent me. Only to be told that they had given me the wrong post office address, and that I had to go to another office. IRRITATED!
So hop on the tram, and go to the next office. But hey! Where is it? It's not where it used to be. So asked a lady on the street (in my best German, which obviously wasn't very good since she switched to English immediately...) who told me that this office was closed. For good. And that I now had to go to...guess where? The post office located in my nearest Coop. I couldn't believe it.
Ok, so then I walked to Coop to finally pick up the letter. And guess what it was!!! A fucking raise of my rent!
I should've just let them send the friggin letter back...
Monday, June 18, 2007
And I'm going on
...summer holiday. Tomorrow. Normally when I have vacation coming up I'd be out partying until the wee hours...but heck no. Not tonight. Am totally beat and cannot stop yawning.
So it'll be a small break in the blogging routine. Hope you'll miss me :)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Pink II
HAHAHAHA! M just came home. After 2,5 hours on the boat he's matching my colours. Sorry, but I had to laugh. Or at least smile. He claims it hurts. Oh babe, you can borrow my after-sun cream anyday. Or what's left of it.
Good thing is we seem to be totally in sync. He wanted to place an order for take-out food. And gosh, do I have just the supplier to recommend. The one that delivers Häagen-Dazs...
It is splended not having to choose one or the other...chocolate AND icecream. Total bliss. I would even go as far as saying HAPPINESS!
What is happiness? Read a chronicle on the subject. And I did agree with the author. Happiness is not a constant state of mind. It's the ability to find happiness in the moment. Like the cliché, but like said before, clichés are clichés because they are true.
Do I walk around being "happy" all the time? Of course not. Like the author said, if I wanted to be happy I'd do drugs. Only tiny problem with drugs is that they don't last. And it's a forced happiness.
The trick is to surround yourself with people you like, and who like you. To do the things that interest you. To share and confide. To be able to offload problems on friends. To be there for them. To be able to see the beauty in a moment, which for me often happens on the lake. Preferrably with a good friend, but sometimes alone. To enjoy whatever and wherever life takes you. Take an interest. Listen to others. Realize that you can always learn new things.
That's what I would like life to be, and I strive to have people around me who think the same. I think I'm doing pretty well, but as the author said "it's not the goal, it's the way there". Another true cliché.
As happy as can be...for the moment. Even though I just lost a friend. But life goes on. And sometimes you have to look for your own well-being. After all, I'm responsible for me. And that responsibility I take pretty seriously.
Oh dear, this got pretty serious. Sorry about that. I blame the chocolate-icecream dilemma :)
Oh joy
Was browsing the tv channels to see what's on tonight. And Dr House is back!!! Fantastico. On Italian tv, so don't really know where they are in sequence. But don't care. The delightfully sarcastic Dr House is back! That's all I need to know.
Only problem now is that it's in two hours, and I want chocolate now. Can I wait until he's on, or perhaps better, a piece of cake now AND one later??
Goodbye diet...
Chocolate vs icecream
I have a huge dilemma. I cannot decide whether chocolate is better than icecream. Icecream, chocolate...I have a huge debate inside my head. Chocolate icecream you say? The answer? No, not really, because then I start thinking about Häagen-Dazs strawberry, Macadamia nut or Pralines&cream.
Well, for now I still have Sprüngli delicacies in the todays answer is CHOCOLATE :)
So had a short skirt on today for the boat. Asked M if he'd mind. He asked why and I said "because you're a prude". No, he said, "but I think it's too pink". "Babe" I said, "it can never be too pink".
Shocking pink has been my favourite colour for more years than I care to remember, and I ain't changing now :)
Pink skirt, pink top, pink shoes, pink toe nails. And even a pink skin tone after the lake today :) gotta admit, I'm consistent.
Slight mix-up
Ok, so this speaking German thing is not exactly working out 100%. Overheard M talking to my friends on Friday how tiring it was speaking German with me. Yes I know the feeling honey. Speaking with somebody who is not fluent is a lot of work. But I could always raise the rent :)
So today on the boat I insisted. Was trying to explain something, which is where it went a bit wrong. I was saying something like "for example" using the word vorspiel. Oh dear, that means foreplay. Example in German is beispiel. Similar isn't it? Spiel as spiel right?
Got it when I saw the smile on M's face. To his defense I must say he didn't laugh out loud. But the smile got me thinking, and I got my mistake before he had to explain it to me.
Think both of us have to make more of an effort...I would be delighted to be able to speak my mother tongue at home...why aren't you M?
The lake
So eventually we went on the lake. After M had used all his creams and stuff to make himself pretty. And there was me again waiting for a man :)
It was so hot. And I mean the sunshine. Unfortunately M had to work so dropped him off early afternoon and then enjoyed the sun on my own.
Was taking a swim, it was lovely. Only wimpy M decided it was too cold. Germans! I tell ya, no sense of adventure...
Weather forecast today: mostly sunny and dry, temperature in the afternoon 26°. Guess where I'll be? Just waiting for M to wake up...will introduce him to the joys of the lake. After all, he could use a bit of a tan :)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The Shining
Isn't this the scary movie? I cannot remember if I've seen it, but it's on tonight so I think I will watch. Really hope that "my man" will be home before I go to bed though. Watching scary movie and then sleep alone is not a good idea.
New feature
Added a new feature to the blog just now. If you look at the bottom of the page you'll see a map of where the visitors to the blog come from. Cool huh?
You win some, you lose some
Finally tonight I wanna be a bit philosophical and say that it is important to know when to cut. To say finito. I had enough. This is it. I tried and it didn't work.
I don't wanna be a Jack Welsh who's philosophy is to cut 10% per year, move on and be happy. I am not that type of person. But I know when enough is enough.
The good news is that I am a survivor. And i intend to continue that way.
And for now, that's all folks...even an eager blogger needs her beauty sleep :)
One of the good things about having many friends and acquaintances is that you get lots of new ideas and information you had no clue about before. Like tonight.
For example did you know that it has been measured how fast people walk 30 meters? I didn't, mainly because it is not something that occupies my mind, but it was nevertheless interesting to hear the results.
Apparently (so shoot me, I'm using the word again) in Tokyo they are quick. It only takes 10 seconds.
In Malawi it takes 30 seconds. Which was the lowest score.
The point is who was No 2. Bern. The capital of Switzerland. Which made the everybody laugh at tonights dinner. Patently, the "Bern'ers" are known for being slow...
Yeah, HAHAHA. Swiss sense of humour...I still have to learn :)
Had lunch with a group of people today. And this guy was the slowest eater I've come across. He was just talking, occasionally picking up a piece of food, looking at it, and finally put it in his mouth. I'm a smoker, so I was kinda waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
Eventually, I asked him if he was ever gonna finish his lunch. At which time one of the others around the table said "well, you know what they say. The way you eat shows the how you make love". Everybody's ears pricked up. Obviously. Sex is always catching the attention. Then this person looked at the German guy...since he's a fast eater. He retaliated by saying "no, that is not true, the way you eat reflects the way you work". Nice save I must say.
But now the whole group thinks about C's way of making love :)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Get to work
Ok, home now. Soaked. It started raining and of course I didn't have an umbrella. After all, it's only water. Not like my friend who detests even a few rain drops. And it's not exactly like he has a hairdo to protect, he shaves his head.
Must get started with preparing for guests. Look forward to see friends and have a good time this evening...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
So just marinated a lot of chicken for tomorrows dinner. And did the usual mistake. Always buying too much. There is chicken for a whole army, they better be hungry! Or even better, the Swiss Army can in uniform, mmm ;)
So this is the menu:
Apero (Swiss word meaning welcome drink and nibbles): Prosecco and mini-springrolls (Migros provides excellent rolls) with sweet-and-sour-sauce.
Starter: Mozzarella, tomatoes, basil and olive oil. (Heard about a new recipe today, replacing tomatoes with oranges...sounds interesting. Mental note to oneself, must try next time).
Main course: Chili chicken (my own grown chili, what was left of it, remember previous blog item?), rosmarin potatoes in the oven, peas and salad on the side (if I can remember to do it, I often forget the rabbit food for some reason).
Wine of course with the menu. A guest is bringing some interesting wine, and I still have some left from the wine-guy who disappeared (remember him?).
For dessert I still have to buy something. Was thinking Sprüngli or icecream. Will have to remember on the way home tomorrow to buy something...
Was a bit windy today, and right now it's thunderstorm (ha, M still has to get home :). Which I noticed when I went to my balcony to water my plants this evening. My tomato plant had bent over (gays, don't get any ideas here!) and was kinda leaning. Plant has grown from being about 10 cm to about 60 cm in no time at all (definitely do not get any ideas!).
I still have to see some tomatoes though...
M is safe
Caved in eventually and sms'd M to ask if he was all right. He rang straight back, saying that he went out with some colleagues for dinner or whatsit. Was now on the way home. Told him he was already on the blog. I kinda had a feeling that nothing disastrous had happened. Learned that after being together with my ex for two years. BAD COMMUNICATOR. Male virtue if you ask me...
Nice email
Got a really nice email today on my blog email address. It is nice with people who share positive things. Perhaps I'm just too used to really appreciated this one. Thanks!
"Hi Annika
Just wanted to tell you that I really love your blogs! I started to read them every day and I'm really enjoying it! Congratulation ;-)) "
The best sex
Somebody commented before and asked what I want. Which led me to think about it. What do I want? Which I won't reveal just now, but I can tell you about the best sex I had. It was with a guy I kinda fell in love with, but not really. He was married with kids and I knew about that. We were very attracted to each other, and it helped that we were both working on a project, stuck in a hotel in a foreign city. Lots of time on our hands (and other body parts :) in the evenings and weekends.
He was the unreliable type of guy, nobody I would like to spend my life with exactly, but nevertheless interesting. Creative like hell. Lots of ideas. Exciting. You never knew his next move.
And despite all this macho shit he projected, he was a surprisingly good lover. Not good, fantastic. Perhaps the situation also added to the excitement. And we are not in touch anymore, but I still remember him with fondness.
Just thought you'd like to know :)
So, this evening I was out with a few new acquaintances. Thought it'd be nice to ask M to come along. But got an sms saying in capital letters that he was busy and was just leaving the office going straight home. And then another sms saying about the same thing. Also in capital letters. CAPITAL LETTERS MEANS SHOUTING. Why was he shouting at me? I was just trying to be nice.
And guess what? Got home about half an hour ago, and he's not home. Message? I'd like to think nothing horrible happened to him, and that he just got caught up doing something. But who knows? Think he has to enroll in Annika's communication skills class...
Recently, a large corporation hired several cannibals to increase their diversity.
"You are all part of our team now," said the Human Resources rep during the welcoming briefing. "You get all the usual benefits and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat, but please don't eat any employees."
The cannibals promised they would not.
Four weeks later their boss remarked, "You're all working very hard and I'm satisfied with your work. We have noticed a marked increase in the whole company's performance. However, one of our hourly people, has disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to him?" The cannibals all shook their heads, "No."
After the boss had left, the leader of the cannibals said to the others,"Which one of you idiots ate the hourly dude ?"A hand rose hesitantly.
"You fool!" the leader continued. "For four weeks we've been eating managers and no one noticed anything......... But NOOOooo, you had to go and eat someone who actually does something!"
Who likes Russians anyway?
+20°Greeks put on sweaters (if they can find them).
+15°Hawaiians turn on the heaters (if they have them).
+10°Americans shake. Russians are planting cucumbers.
+5° You can see your own breathing. Italian cars don't start. Norwegians take a bath. Russians drive with lowered windows.
0° Water freezes in America, in Russia it thickens.
-5° French cars don't start.
-10° You're planning a vacation to Australia.
-15° Your cat insists to sleep in your bed. Norwegians put on sweaters.
-18° New York landlords turn on the heaters. Russians make their last seasonal picnic.
-20° American cars don't start. People in Alaska start wearing long-sleeves.
-25° German cars don't start. Hawaiians are dead.
-30° Politicians start talking about homeless people. Your cat prefers to sleep in your pajamas.
-35° Too cold to think. Japanese cars don't start.
-40° You're planning a 2-week hot tub bath. Swedish cars don't start.
-42° Transportation stops in Europe. Russians eat ice cream on the street.
-45° All Greeks are dead. Politicians really start doing something for the homeless.
-50° Your eyelids start sticking when you blink. In Alaska, people close the window in the bathroom.
-60° White bears start moving south.
-70° The hell froze.
-73° Finnish special services evacuate Santa Claus from Lapland. Russians wear earmuff hats.
-80° Lawyers put their hands in their own pockets.
-114° Ethyl alcohol is freezing. Russians are unhappy.
-273° Absolute zero, atomic movement stops. Russians wear boots.
-295° 90% of the planet is dead. Russian soccer team becomes the world champion.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Pentagon II
Unbelievable! Mental disorder being gay. The list was certified in 2003 last time.
I thought it was a fact that J Edgar was gay and used to dress in womens clothes? I know not Pentagon, but FBI. Same shit.
This is a hilarious story! Patently (again!!) Pentagon back in the 90's had a plan to construct a "bomb" to make the enemy gay. The cunning idea was that if everybody were gay, they would all fall in love with each other and stop fighting. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Do they have any idea of the drama queens that exist in the gay world??
Was walking a flight of stairs today. As you do. And all of a sudden I was thinking how people with big feet walk in stairs. I have relatively small feet, size 37, and I can put my whole foot on the step. Of course I have to watch where I'm going so I don't miscalculate and trip, but you know, it's a fairly common activity.
How do people with big feet walk in stairs? Do they twist their feet to the side in order to fit on the step, or do they just put the front of the foot on the step? It's a mystery...
The post
Think I was very appreciative of the Swiss post in another blog item, but now I take it all back. Seemingly (see, I'm learning!) they had been here today when I wasn't home, so now I've gotta go and pick up a letter at the post office. But not at any of the at least two post offices a stone's throw away from my flat, but far away. No less than 7!!! bus stops away. And they have really convenient (NB! sarcasm) opening times like only until 18 in the evening, and to 12 on Saturdays. Who in the world is up and about before 12 on a Saturday?
What in the world were they thinking of? If at all...
PS. And I have no idea who the letter is from. Evidently (!) they didn't see it fit to tell me.
Always waiting for men
Why is it that I always have to wait for men? Like today. We agreed that I would do the shopping and that M would meet me in front of the store to help carry the groceries. I was early as usual which wasn't his fault exactly, and when I got an sms that he would be on time I actually believed it. Ok, so he wasn't more than 7 min late (yes, of course I was counting :)...but then he needed to do some shopping too, so ended up having to wait like half an hour.
It is hot and humid in Zürich today, and I only had a salad for lunch so grumpiness is the mood for now...
We need to talk
Last week M came home saying "honey, your man is home". At which time I saw fit to respond in a girly voice "oh, sweetie, I feel so safe and protected".
Today he came home and said "the boss is home". Hmmmmm. We need to talk :)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Zürich is a small city
Sometimes it really is. So was out a bit, but as you notice I'm home at a decent time (even though M is asleep...M, you're younger than I am, what are you doing in bed so early?? :).
Got off the bus at my stop, only to run into the manager of "my place". Yes, he does live in the neighbourhood and claimed he saw the shocking pink top on the approaching bus, and therefore stopped to wait for me. That is entirely possible, since tonights top indeed was the very pink one.
Anyway, so had a nice chat. Think this is why I like Zürich so much. The little big city...
So went to my usual place this evening. As you do. One of the guys who work there introduced me to the woman playing in the band this week. Apparently she does it barefoot. So this guy had bought her shoes, flip-flops with golden stuff on it. Fine.
Was informed that it was because some guests occasionally break glasses or bottles...and therefore it is wise to have shoes in this place. I responded that I did only once drop a glass in four years.
Woman in band said that "I haven't broken a glass here in 20 years". Wow. So I asked her, "were you only here once a year or so?". "No" she said, "this is my first time".
You just have to love a person with such sense of humour :)
Which animal?
The staff got to share this delightful questionnaire and M's answer was "a turtle".
????????????? was my response.
Apparently these are the reasons: 1. because they get old. 2. because they don't have a stressful life and 3. they have a protected body where you cannot see the wrinkles.
HAHAHA! I would just love to have your comments (and your animal) on this one!
Tuesday evening
Ok, so Monday was home evening. And since I am not invited for anything special this week, hang on, that's not true. I have a little something planned for Thursday evening and Friday evening I'm hosting a dinner. Oh dear, must go shopping tomorrow. Am cooking for 6 people.
Well, I kinda know what I will make, but ingredients will help so hopefully M and I can sync our schedules and shop together tomorrow.
Anyway, that means I will probably take a little trip to my usual place this evening. After all, I don't want them to forget me (as if they'd dare :)...
I'm a real blonde
I must be a real blonde for sure. Got this joke sent to me, and have to admit I fail to get the joke...this is a disaster! But what's funny with pasteurized? Is this a word joke?? Explanation would be nice (and yes, you're allowed to laugh at me being a "real" blonde).
A blonde heard that milk baths would make her beautiful. She left a note for her milkman to leave 25 gallons of milk. When the milkman read the note, he felt there must be a mistake. He thought she probably meant 2.5 gallons. So he knocked on the door to clarify the point. The blonde came to the door and the milkman said, "I found your note asking me to leave 25 gallons of milk. Did you mean 2.5 gallons?"The blonde said, "I want 25 gallons. I'm going to fill my bathtub up with milk and take a milk bath so I can look young and beautiful again. "The milkman asked, "Do you want it pasteurized?" The blonde said, "No, just up to my tits. I can splash it on my face".
Monday, June 11, 2007
Well, they couldn't have cared less. So we tried to make sure cutie got something too...
Monday evening
Monday evening can be good. At least it's better than Monday morning, and everything is relative. Will stay in tonight watching Desperate housewives, which I've missed the past month due to other engagements (read probably going out or something :).
Half a box of H-D strawberry, curled up on the sofa...yes, Monday evening can be good.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Scary skinny
Apparently M is into rags. He just came home from his little weekend trip and placed three of those rags with me, thinking I'd have an interest in reading them...he obviously doesn't know me yet :)
One of them is saying "Scary skinny" on the front page. I don't think that will ever be a problem for me. Ok, so my butt has become a little bit smaller, but skinny is an epithet that will never ever have to be used for my body. Thankfully.
PS. The other two headlines say "the secret of love" and "the German wonder"...two oxymorons :)
Sunday dinner
Everything was perfect! From the china to the cooking to the presentation to the wine. There was nothing more that we could have asked for. Look at this!
And it was clean everywhere...even in the toilet!
PS. And here's the trick question...which foot is mine :)??
PS. My friend fed the birds trying to get them to eat out of his hand...and went "aaaooohhh!" when they bit him. Well, if you stick your finger into the beak of a swan's mouth, what do you expect?
I've done the unspeakable...something I promised myself I'd never do again. I've ironed no less than 3 pieces of clothes for a man. I should be shot.
It's just that ironing doesn't bother me much, not like cleaning or other boring chores. And M has indeed been very helpful, and I guess I had a weak moment.
I will indeed try never to do it again...
Men and their creams
What is it with men and their creams, sprays, lotions and other beauty paraphernalia? For the umpteenth time I've had the questionable pleasure of seeing how much men apparently need in order to stay beautiful. Or perhaps handsome is a better name :)
Little cotton make-up remover pads, what's up with that? Where do they use it? I still haven't seen them wearing mascara.
I just don't get what is wrong with just soap, shampoo and water. Ok, so I use skin lotion, mascara and sometimes a little perfume. That's it. In the boat I have some sunscreen.
Men and their hang-ups...don't they get that we love'm anyway??
Sunday in Zürich
It is great waking up to blue sky, sunshine and about 28°C. So off to pick up friend at 12 and then guess what...yes of course...we're off on the boat. I'm bringing the leftovers from Friday, and a few bottles of chilled white.
Then straight to early dinner this evening with another friend. There is no rest for the wicked :)
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I can't remember when I was alone a whole day last time. It's been very nice I must say. Been very domestic today. Washing, ironing, taking care of my plants on the balcony and in general had a really nice, relaxing day. Even fell asleep on the sofa for a few hours in the afternoon.
However, look forward to tomorrow to see friends again, and for M to come back from his little weekend trip.
Cruising the lake tomorrow...
Wine & cheese
Had some friends over yesterday evening, two men actually and flatmate. We had some great wine, cheese, sausages, veggies etc. Four people, three nationalities and nobody was Swiss! So yesterday was only English spoken. A nice change.
Somewhat later one of the guys invited us to his wine cellar. What an excellent idea to have. A special room with the right temperature and of course locked up. A joining room with wooden tables and benches, a nice setting for tasting some great wine. We had something I cannot remember, but it sounded like Brutaci or similar. An Italian red wine, that really was good.
One of the guys and I proceeded to the usual place, him claiming "I'm only staying for one drink, gotta get up early". Right. When I left around 1.30 he was still dancing...
My butt
My butt is my butt, ok? But apparently people find it appropriate to comment. Why? Beats me. It's not exactly like I go around commenting on other people's body parts. So why do they do it with me? No clue.
Swiss guy yesterday: your butt is smaller.
Eastern European guy today: well, you gotta understand that men have more muscles in their butts than women.
Aussie guy today: where has your butt gone?
Swedish guy agreeing: yes, where is it?
I so much now want to tell you what I think of their body parts, but since I have a sense of decency I won't...
Friday, June 08, 2007
Safely back
Boat safely back parked where it belongs. Namely in my parking slot in Zürich city. Looking gorgeous she is. Not a mussel as far as you can see (apparently it was so much they had to dump it in the forest...and as boatman phrased it "it's still stinking"). Ah well, that's what I call a YP - Your Problem :). It's not my forest.
It is clean, the ladder is fixed, the engine checked, the lights work (or so I think, I forgot to check), the clutch works, and everything is clean and pristine. Or at least it was until my friends who came with me started to spill potato chips and wine...
Yes, we stayed on the lake for a while, then I came home, showered, prepared food and now blogging...gotta go. More later.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Time flies
...when you're having fun they say. Can't believe it is already Thursday. Which means that it tomorrow is Friday. Great!
Will have a couple of friends over for drinks and finger-food. Have no time to cook a proper meal, since I'm off tomorrow afternoon to fetch my boat...and the weather is looking promising for the weekend.
Look forward to see friends, and hear the latest gossip. Hoping for some juicy blog items :)
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Brain cells
Was talking to a friend this evening about how I now eat more than I used to, but doesn't seem to gain any weight. This is good news, and probably has to do with me eating more regularly and better things (although icecream and chocolate do go down nicely once in a while :).
Friend told me lost too. 200 brain cells only today :)
Dinner date
Had dinner with somebody today who doesn't eat fish. But eats fish fingers. Hello? Isn't there a disconnect here?
How can you not like lovely fishy fish, but still eat cheapo "burger from the sea"?
Perhaps he's a fastfood guy...who spent too much time in the US of A :)
So was out for a wee bit yesterday. Only popped into my usual place, where they expect me every Tuesday...or my money...whichever :).
The band looked vaguely familiar, but since there is a new band every week heck if I could remember. So asked the waiter. He looked at me strangely and said: "don't you remember? This is the guy I "saved" you from last year". Hmmm, no actually but when he told me it all came back to me. This sleazebag from the band thought I was a groupie and came on heavily to me. I looked for rescue, and the waiters are really good in protecting me from such guys, so there you have it.
Needless to say I enjoyed the music, but not the performers...
Turns out parrots can be as old as people. Who knew?
Just realized today how international I am. Today I communicated with somebody from South Africa (long-term friend), from Sweden (a biz-guy who I sometimes hook up with in Zürich. Only he's originally from Sweden but lives in Canada), from Sweden (long-term friend) who I will meet later in June, from Slovenia (who I will meet soon in Zürich), with a Finnish friendgirl who's going to Paris, with my brother who is in Paris as we speak (so to speak), with a German (I just happen to live with), with a guy from Eastern Europe, with the US people (like on a daily basis) and mind you, even with some Swiss people!
Pretty cool, huh?
An obedient man is a happy man
Read this somewhere, and thought it'd be appropriate to share with M. Who promptly claimed he didn't know the word 'obedient'. Good thing I have a dictionary :).
So tonight while I was preparing for going out, M was "de-chalking" the shower heads by putting them into some of putz-Peters liquids. F if I know what is was :)
Yes, I think we will get along just fine :)
All expenses paid
Had a talk with a friendgirl today. She is invited for an all expenses paid 10 year jubilee in Paris, even though she left the company. Isn't that cool?
And I tell you, I couldn't be more happy for her. If somebody deserves it, it is this girl.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Learned a new German word today: schmollen. This is how I learned. M was sulking. Told him to stop doing so. He asked what sulking meant (we were speaking German but when I don't know a word I stick in an English one ok?). Told him it was what he was doing right that moment. Oh, he said "you mean schmollen". Yes :)
Perceptive, yes think so...
Hell is it that long????
Was emailing with a longterm friend today, the title was her reply. We have known each other since 1987!! But we haven't met in a long time. Last time in fact was in Copenhagen almost 6 years ago, when she showed up for my birthday party, after also not having met for many years.
This is one of these friends who always have lived far away, and we do not feel the need to speak on a daily, or even yearly basis. But when we do it is like yesterday.
It is great with friends!
Good news. I can have my boat back on Friday! And since the weather is getting much better, I perhaps even will be able to go for a little cruise over the weekend. Can't wait!
Homemade burgers
Promised to cook tonight for M and myself. It'll be homemade burgers incl burger bread, but since I've now seen how much M can really eat, I guess I have to make country fries too...
PS. No he's not fat. Eat that much and not gain weight, he should be shot :)!!
Today for the second time somebody got upset about me blogging about a particular item. Despite the fact that this person urged me to write about it in the first place.
My blogging is not meant to hurt anybody, merely for me to get whatever I think off my chest and hopefully amuse you readers a bit. Or even get you to think...or is that too much to ask :) ??
So if you are ever offended or have bad feelings about what I write, let me know. You can email me or let me know through a comment. Email address you will find under my profile.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Steep learning curve
The problem trying to learn high German in Switzerland is that practically nobody speaks it. Which means that I am learning the Swiss version of high German, including typically Swiss words. I believe M is in for some learning too, understanding even less of the Switzedütch than I do, haha!
Today his first Swiss word was: Güggeli. One of my favourite dishes, meaning chicken.
I'm fascinated by the Queer as folk season 2 and cannot stop watching. On one hand I could've written the script since I guessed about Debbie dating the police, George's unfortune and Emmetts money, but I still cannot stop. Two episodes to go, so no more time for blogging today, gotta find out what happens when Brian discovers Justins affaire with the violin guy...
Friggin German
Turns out it's not so easy to change from speaking English to somebody and getting used to it, and then change to German. This is going to take a real effort from both our sides. Especially since M laughs when I speak German...
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Good news
Was told that Brian, my favourite in 'Queer as folk' is actually straight in real life. That is indeed very good news. Would hate the fact that such a handsome man would be playing on the wrong side of the field :)
In yesterdays party a friend of mine had a transvestite friend that he insisted on introducing me to. So, as means of presenting me my friend said "hi, this is Annika, freshly imported from Scandinavia". Transvestite's response (after looking me up and down): "hmmm, perhaps not so fresh". HAHAHAHAHA! Gee thanks.
Skinny jeans
I can get into my skinny jeans again! This is a miracle. They are still a little bit tight around the waist though, so will probably not wear them just yet. But it means staying away from that Häagen-Dazs I just bought yesterday.
Hmmm, this is indeed a dilemma...
PS. But since M thought I get a nice ass in those pants, I might just have the stamina to stay away from the icecream :)
M and I went shopping together today for the first time. We decided to share the cost for the food and fill up on staples and to have dinner together tomorrow (ok, today technically). I let him choose the menu, since I'm easy on food. I basically eat everything. He opted for mixed meat to be grilled or fried. You know a stick which contains beef, pork and chicken, and a sausage at the end. They are very sausage-friendly here in the German-speaking part of Switzerland.
Fine by me. Until I saw the bill. 42 friggin francs. That's a lot of money for just the meat for two people.
But M is forgiven. I know the feeling of coming into a new country, thinking it is all funny money. Different colours, different values. It takes some time before you adjust.
And I get the pleasure of seeing M cook tomorrow. Think it'll be a first for him :)
First lesson
Cleaned my whiteboard today and bought new whiteboard markers, so that new flatmate (M) and I can share messages when needed. This is what he wrote:
"In allen vier Ecken soll Liebe drin stecken". How sweet.
I think it means:
"In all four corners (I guess of the flat) should there be love". I just hope it doesn't mean that he wants to "make love" everywhere...
I like alcohol just as much as the next person, but sometimes I wonder if AA isn't a good idea after all. This after seeing one of my best friends really really REALLY drunk for the first time. Not making sense, saying the same things over and over and over again. Not being able to stand up straight, spilling drinks all over the place including my pants. Being overly talkative about private things.
Perhaps it's just because I was sober and they had been drinking since 1 o'clock in the afternoon. And I'm almost blushing now (not really, but you know what I mean), since I'm pretty sure I've done the same...
Oh dear, the things alcohol can do to you :)
Swiss logic
Got a letter today addressed to the former flatmate from the Swiss post. Emailed and he asked me to open it. It was a letter stating that they have registered his change of address as per 31st of May (to somebody else in Zürich) but for some mysterious logistic reason they have sent this particular letter to his old address. Letter dated 1st of June. Makes sense to you? It sure doesn't to me.
But the envelope contained a really nice map of Zürich, which I've asked him if I could keep. Since he left the country he won't be having any use of it anyway.
I wonder how exactly did they think? If at all...
Well, gotta say that if hetero men complain over women talking, it is nothing compared to being at a gay party with lotsa alcohol. Way too much information is shared. I now know who's doing whom, who did whom, who is planning on doing whom. Top and bottom talk. Ugly and good-looking.
At one point I tried with "well, what about inner beauty?". Nah, doesn't exist in the gay world. Apparently.
So it's all about the outside.
PS. Good thing I have gay friends who are the exception to the rule...
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Ok, so managed to miss both events today. Too busy with domestic chores and stuff. Decided to stay in, watch the rest of the 2nd season of Queer as folk and just relax.
But, then the phone rings. I just cannot say no. So now must prepare myself, dressing up as a fag-hag and take off to join the party. By the sound on the phone I am light years behind on alcohol consumption...
This afternoon I was surrounded by three guys, one putting up my newly washed curtains, one cleaning and one who lives here, all while I was on the phone to yet another guy. Life is good :)
Big pillows
Apparently big pillows are standard in Germany. So M brought his own. I'm not sure I understand why. It's not exactly like Germans have bigger heads.
Perhaps he'd like to hug something at night, and since it won't be me :)...
Oh my, I gotta hand it to M. He really managed to clean the room up and un-clutter. It really looks like a new room. Ok, so half of it is now in the attic (which I never could be bothered to fix) but still. It's nice with a tidy person, and as long as he doesn't make me do the cleaning, I'm fine.
What I did do though was the washing. Only fair since he cleaned. And can honestly say that he seems to be well...hmmm...endowed :)
That's me in case you didn't get it from the last item I wrote. And it's not really related, but still. Was sharing a table tonight with this guy. I only got there, and he was approaching me saying "and who are you?" in German. My response was "I'm not interested".
I can spot an idiot on 10 miles distance. And he was one. He tried about 5 more times. I still wasn't interested. Think he finally got it, since I continued to speak English (which he didn't). Very convenient sometimes...
Met a woman this evening (I know, disappointing but nevertheless) and we got to talk about feminism. Her version was to light a drunken man's cigar three times (because he was too drunk to remember to actually suck it). Then she turned to me to announce that she was a feminist. Really? As it turned out he was paying for her mineral water.
If this is feminism I would shoot myself. Feminism to me is equal pay for equal job, for me to do a favour (like lightning a cigar) once, and then get the favour returned (not necessarily at the same time), to fend for yourself, not being dependent, to stand up for your beliefs etc etc.
Ok, I know that the Swiss are kinda behind, but still. Puuuleeeze. There's gotta be some kind of dignity...
Friday, June 01, 2007
Front page on 20 min today had an article about me. It said that over 50% of the women still have sex with the ex. Hey, I'm part of a majority for once.
Actually, that is not true since I don't sleep with him anymore but it used to be. And nothing wrong with that, is there?
Big fat failure
So M and I had mutually decided to only speak high German at home from June 1. Hey, that's today. But I kinda suggested that we'd start Monday. Didn't feel like extending my brain any further than it already is this week. And it seems that he was more than happy to comply.
But as you'd know by know, when I really put my mind to it, I will succeed. Just like with the diet. On Monday...
M has arrived
So M arrived with more stuff. I am just getting ready for an evening in town, while he is moving all the stuff out of my bedroom into the living room since "oh, I don't know how I can get all this stuff into my room". Didn't I already say?
But him being a German and all, I'm sure he'll find a way. Since we all know, Germans don't like to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong"...well, neither do I actually :)
This is definitely a story to be cont'd...
Had an interesting conversation with my brother last Monday. He called me, and this how it went.
Him: "Hi, is this a good time to talk?".
Me: "Actually I have a visitor who's about to leave, could you call back in 5 minutes?"
Him: "No, I'm leaving in 3 minutes".
Me: "Ok, I guess we talk now for 3 minutes".
Him: "Ok".
So a 3 minute conversation later.
Me: "Why don't you call me tomorrow?".
Him: "I'll be in Brussels tomorrow until Thursday".
Me: "They don't have telephones in Belgium?"
Honestly, I tell you...
M is moving in
So, this evening M is moving in. His timing is excellent, since the other one left yesterday. Only, putz-Peter couldn't make it until tomorrow, so unfortunately it is not as clean and pristine as I'd have wanted it to be. However, M is informed.
I bet you though that he cannot wait starting cleaning, so tomorrow when putz-Peter comes, he only has to do the rest. Why I didn't do it? I'm a busy woman and don't do cleaning :)
PS. The other day M asked me if I can sew. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Lotsa things going on in Zürich this weekend. Apparently as being a good faghag I need to attend this:
Also, there is which means starting downtown Zürich, running, climbing the Jungfrau mountain (and not having to be a virgin as I thought :), skiing, biking, flying etc etc, ending up back in Zürich in the evening. Apparently there are 14 teams with 14 people in each team, so one person doesn't do all of this. The reason I know is that I have a new acquaintance who will be flying some of the contestants from the Jungfrau mountain to their next leg of the journey. Why they do this? Beats me...
So it's a close call what I'll do tomorrow. Sleep is high on the priority list though since today is Friday and a certain place requires my attention this evening :)
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