Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I can be so mean. M watching tv. "Who is this guy? I see him always on tv, but who and what is he? A man? A woman?". Me: "he's an in-between. Just like you". M: "HAHAHA. Ish.". Guess it's a reaction from him moving out. Now I can be mean. But I guess the joke is on me. I'm gonna miss him. Damn! PS. Did I tell you he's moving out? Well he is. End of month. And to the other side of the friggin city. It's going to be a long ride going for dinner...


John said...

yeah..well Mr. M has assured me that he will make the trip and dinners will continue..even if it takes a bit longer to bring them together.


Witchbitch said...

Well, what does he know? He doesn't cook. And when he does, it's ready-made to be heated. But I do appreciate the effort, and who cares about the food anyway? As long as the company is pleasant.

Anonymous said...


Don't worry, I will still be around. Bus 32 goes right by your house :-)