Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Spanish fly

Coming home tonight I saw this? Where is my ex-flatmate? Where is my ex? Guess the answer lies in the ex-word...

And yes Aussie girl, I know it's nothing like the hairy big things you have down-under, but how am I gonna sleep tonight? Notice the long, thin legs. Coming to think of it...is it perhaps a Paris Hilton spider?


Anonymous said...

'spanish fly'
looks more like a giant mosquito to me, which I reckon is far worse than a spider (since mozzies always eat me alive). Anyway, whats the dilemma?, just squash him and go to sleep.

Witchbitch said...

Thingie was in the kitchen close to the ceiling. I closed the door.

This morning however, it had moved to the window. It is now squashed and safely in the bin.