Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Precision sharpener

There's a new profession I've never heard about before. My Sopranos-friend told me about it. Oh I didn't tell you? A friend lent me the first season of Sopranos. What he didn't tell me was that it was old-fashioned videos, running only on VCR's. Didn't they disappear like 10 years ago? So guess Sopranos will have to wait. But this guy has a relative who's in the precision sharpener business, which means he sharpens knives for a living and then rent them to restaurants and the likes. They keep them for a period of time, then he collects them and give out new ones, goes home and sharpens the used ones. Seemingly he makes a good living out of it too. And I thought it was something completely different...considering the Italian background :)

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