Sunday, May 02, 2010

No plans

On Thursday evening I realized I had no plans this weekend. Good thing I have flexible friends. Yesterday an inpromptu dinner with a good friend (and then after we went out we were not so gently told not to smoke) and tonight another hastily arranged get-together. Excellent. I love when things happen without planning. It's really interesting. When I moved into my new (and fabulous I might add) house I didn't expect to get good friends too. It's been a bonus. But when I think about it, it is amazing how people who are "forced" together can get along so well. Tonights setting involved me (because it was my flat, and where everybody can smoke!), a German who doesn't speak English and her husband who is...well inflexible. He hates change. Yet the three of us had interesting conversations for about four hours. There were times were we agreed to disagree but there were never any hostile feelings. We respect each other and more importantly, we have fun together! Isn't that what life is all about?


Anonymous said...

ah, I love those conversations where you can disagree but still discuss in a normal/fun way people without people being offended. Its so boring when everyone has to agree with everyone for the sake of being 'nice'

Witchbitch said...

And you know me. I love to throw a verbal Molotov cocktail into the conversation sometimes...