Monday, May 17, 2010

Happily single

When the doctor took my anamnesis before examining my arm he was among other (and more arm-related) things asking if I was married. "No", I said, "happily single". I am perfectly aware of that it wasn't a come-on, a man who tells me his kids are 6,5 and 9,5 (or whatever it was) years old is not likely to be personally interested in my marital status. Which is just as well, since he had a really girly voice, hehe. Anyway. Was thinking about that today. I am not married, yet I had one man in my bed yesterday and another one today. Happily single is the shit!


Anonymous said...

you taught me a new word. never heard of anamnesis before!

Witchbitch said...

Medical terms are my speciality!