Monday, May 17, 2010

When the roses bloom

In German class we were asked to write down a book title in German. A made-up one. At which time I of course asked how I would know, since I've never read a German book in my life! Anyway. So my title was "When the roses bloom". Then we were asked to write a story going with the title. I knew there was a catch! Let my imagination run wild and invented a serial killer who sought people who lived alone out, broke in, tortured them and finally slowly killed them. Then he buried them in his garden. It looked very lovely each summer when the roses were blooming on the graves... To my big surprise I was asked to read my story out loud for the class. Perhaps the teacher is a bit weird? Surely it cannot be me...;?


John said...

Excellent premise for a horror story! Steven King would be proud!



Witchbitch said...

Too bad it was in pidgin German!