Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cat paraphernalia

Went to a pet shop today in order to browse what's available these days. The time I had cats was...hmmm...quite a few years ago.

And yes, did they have everything. Little cute feeding bowls. Black and shiny with stainless steel that would fit perfectly in my flat. A cat toilet in purple (hurray!). A transportation cage, which seemed a bit plastic but was cheap and how often do I need to use that? And the best of all. Dunno how to describe it, but it was a combo of scratching poles to sharpen their little claws on, shelves to lie comfortably on and a little "house" where they can hide. It was a rather big construction, but in shiny black fur. And what is 400 francs if it makes my future cats happy?


Anonymous said...

No one could accuse you of not putting any thought or planning into this!

Witchbitch said...

I grew up with cats, and I always wanted one or two. Now is the time.