Thursday, March 01, 2012

29th of Feb

A friend of mine had a baby yesterday, how cool is that to have birthday only every fourth year!

Ok, so for a kid maybe not, lack of presents and what-have-you, even though I'm pretty certain the parents will see to it anyway, but when he's older, not having to experience the every year aging (I know, the logic is a bit iffy but still) is great.

Anyway, congrats! And thanks for being on another continent (no baby-sitting required) ;).


Anonymous said...

Thanks, and don't worry you probably wouldnt be top of my list for babysitting duties, given I know how much you love kids ;).
So, you decided to keep this post even though its not true?

Witchbitch said...

Well, it was 29th of Feb here in Europe, and why spoil a good story with the truth?