Thursday, March 01, 2012

On a first name basis!

There is this woman I met about 5 years ago, she handles some stuff for me and I pay her for the services.

She is Swiss, and therefore very formal, but after all these years I think I have finally charmed her. Sent her an email, saying please call me Annika, and today when visiting me, she finally did. For nationalities that don't understand, this is a big step for ze Swiss, who like to call people by their last name even though they have known each other for a long time.

Anyway, she had told her partner about it, and he had laughed heartily, so at the spur of the moment I decided to include them in my circle of friends and invited them for dinner.

Not the first time I work hard to get to know ze Swiss, but so worth it! Once you're in, you're in for life. And my life is here.


Anonymous said...

well done! the Swiss are sometimes hard work indeed, I found it so hard to get used to people I felt I knew always calling me Frau P. Plus I'm so bad at the formal grammar

Witchbitch said...

Makes two of us.