Thursday, March 22, 2012


Spring is definitely here, so went to Coop bauhaus in order to pick up geraniums for the balcony. Only there was no flower market anymore. So bought a rosemary, since the one I tried to plant hasn't shown any signs of life yet.

Then I read on the Jumbo website that they have young geraniums for 1,50 only. Since I'm all for bargains, I ran there (well, took the bus). It was just that these young geraniums didn't show any flowers yet, and I am not taking a chance that they will come up with a faulty colour like red. So have to bide my time, and pay more when the real ones are available.

In the meantime I'm enjoying a hyacinth.

And I got a raspberry plant! Never had that before, but if they give off raspberries I'm all set for the drinks in summer. Bacardi razz, freshly grown raspberries and crushed ice. Cannot wait!

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