Thursday, November 01, 2012

Freak magnet

I was out today, standing innocently waiting for the tram, when a woman approached me. She was first asking which 'kreis' (part of the city) we were in, then if I knew where the nearest social security office was. Excuse me!?!

And this was not like when I sometimes go shopping up the hill in comfortable clothes, I was in a skirt, nice boots and my 500 francs jacket (ok, 2 years old but still).

I think I might have inherited my mothers genes, she was also a freak magnet. Every homeless, drunk or psycho always approached her, and she was very kind to them. And now I seem to do the same. Ouch!


Olzer said...

I share your predicament! :-)

Anonymous said...

asking for the social security office location doesn't make you a freak, which I say only because I have been to our local one several times lately (they also do the government's paid maternity leave). That said, most other people there were rather freaky, some of the staff being the worst.

Witchbitch said...

Really? Interesting.