Thursday, November 08, 2012


Was just watching a program about stalkers. Made me remember my parents. When I was little my Mum had a breather, you know one of those that phone you up and breathes heavily. I of course only learned about this much later.

Anyway, my Dad had the phone calls traced (and this was in a time when you had to apply to the government to get a phone! A fixed line!), and it wasn't cheap. Turned out to be a neighbour.

My Dad approached him, told him to back off (not privy to the exact words), but that was the end of it.

Watching the stalker show today, I think that people have gotten more violent. Am very happy I am not famous. In all my seven years of blogging, I only had one hate comment, and that was from an American. Which doesn't count, since most of them do not know the difference between Sweden and Switzerland :).

But go Obama, at least a slight majority of the Americans understand what is best for them.

But yes, this is kind of a new type of assault, one that I believe is to be taken seriously. Have a feeling though that the police wouldn't know what to do. I hope I'm wrong.

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