Monday, November 26, 2012

Onion festival

I ventured out of Zürich today! All the way to Bern! They have a famous onion festival (why I do not know) every year, and I heard so much about it.

Gotta say though, big disappointment. You really had to look for the onions, it seemed more to be just like any carnival/festival to me.

And who wants to pay more than 20 francs for a ring of onions?

And what was all the stuff with throwing confetti around and banging people with hammers in the head? I wished the hammers were real, when a kid threw confetti straight into my face!

So even though it cost me 94 friggin francs for a return ticket to Bern (SBB, I might have to reevaluate all the good things I said about you before!), it was worth it to meet a good friend I hadn't seen in a long time.


Olzer said...

Catching up with a good friend......always worth the effort and money regardless :-)

Witchbitch said...

Yup, at least it's worth 94 francs :).

Anonymous said...

oh, thanks! was great to catch up with you too!