Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Have you noticed how time at the beginning of a party/dinner/get-together/pub-crawl or whatever seems to go at normal pace, but from approximately 10 pm it races? You get more comfortable with the people (in case you didn't do that from the beginning), the alcohol is flowing and you seem to be more witty and more sociable than at the start.

Not that I'm not witty or sociable at all times, but still. Hmmm, might be the alco then :).

Anyway, last couple of times I've been at some friends place I almost missed the last bus. Next time I will have to set the alarm.

And that's another funny thing. I didn't used to care about when to go home, but since I now live in Zürich, and everybody (at least above the age of 20) goes home with the last bus/train/tram I have adapted.

I have the solutions to this problem. Start the partying earlier! Yes, that's it.


Anonymous said...

I was about to say 'really? I dont remember anyone going home with last tram' but maybe that was just us and foreigners, 'cos I do remember every swiss house party having all the timetables by the front door so everyone knew when their last bus/train/tram went

Witchbitch said...

Haha, thanks for proving my point!