Wednesday, November 07, 2012

She smiles like me

Ok, so baby is cute. Made me think of 'West Wing' where assistant questioned the shoot of a baby "is it a cute baby? Not everyone is".


Anonymous said... Auntie Annika starting to like kids, but she would hate to admit it? :-) Steph

Witchbitch said...

Nope, just saying she smiles like me.

Anonymous said...

You can indeed tell you're family.

and it is true that they're not all so cute - I've been exposed to a lot of ugly babies lately

Witchbitch said...

Yup, seen a few of them myself, but diplomatic as I am, I always respond to the parents question "oh, isn't he/she cute?", yes. It would be rude to just say "no, he/she is ugly".