Saturday, July 27, 2013

Something is rotten in the state of Switzerland

Fucketifuck. When I got up this morning I noticed some worms on my kitchen floor. So ok, they were no more than half a centimeter but still. I hate creepy-crawlies.

With the help of lots of kitchen paper I picked them up and killed them (I dunno what the cats are good for, isn't it their job?).

And I couldn't understand where they came from, it wasn't so long ago I went through the cupboard where I keep flour, sugar etc. Until I was gonna take the trash out and lifted the plastic bag out of the container. Ouch! Loadsa worms.

I swallowed, took the trash out quicker than any time before, then went back and emptied the bin in the toilet. Then I showered the whole container to make sure none of them were clinging on.

Last thing I need a Saturday morning is a worm drama, getting my adrenalin going. It's enough that it's nearly 40°C outside. Again.


Anonymous said...

eek. we had that problem a couple of times in Australia in summer if we had any meat scraps in the rubbish. luckily the rubbish bins were outside, but it was still really gross. Since then, whenever we have meat scraps we put it in a separate plastic bag or two and take it to a public rubbish bin - like at the tram stop, next time we go out.

Witchbitch said...

I'm not sure it was meat, could've been anything really. And I am using the small Zürisack, but it doesn't fill up in a couple of days with me.

But I'll be careful from now on, especially when it gets so hot again.