Monday, March 03, 2014

Salt of the earth

When I was a kid, children knew their place. I'm not saying that we were suppressed or abused, but we knew when to keep quiet and to let other people be the center of attention. And yes, I may have changed since I was a child before you comment.

But I draw the line at food. I was invited for dinner, and because it apparently is fatal for children to eat salt, four adults were served an otherwise delicious lasagna that tasted of....nothing. Just because one child was having a small slice.

Personally I think it's gone too far.

I have an old cousin who is above pension age, and he is still alive despite his father smoking in the car when he was little. I know loadsa older people who are healthy despite having had salt in their food. I even know people who smoke themselves that are still alive!

But I also know people with injuries, like sporting people! There are broken bones and arms, twisted ankles and split tendons.

So please, let us all have a little salt in our food. Life is too short not to enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I dont' think that this has anything to do with children not knowing where they belong to or how to behave. It's the parents that are taking care (very well) of their child. But I agree that in this case the food for the child should be prepared separately from the food for the guests. It does not taste the same if salt is being added after cooking. But I am sure you still enjoyed! :-) A

Anonymous said...

ha ha, maybe all that smoking has dulled your tastebuds if you can't taste anything but salt ;).
but, actually I have to agree, although I try to really limit the salt my kid eats, I would never serve baby food to guests. and a little extra salt every now and then wont kill him


Witchbitch said...

Nice to know we're in agreement for once :).