Wednesday, May 16, 2007


This is what I have according to one of my boat teachers. But ok, listen to this. You drive a big and powerful boat into a harbour. On both sides of the harbour there are big and expensive yachts parked. Remember I told you about the tiny space in the harbours? Well, this is why I always try to steer my boat in the middle. So I won't damage the other boats. Only problem is when they ask you to park the darn thing. If you're parking with the front towards the bridge on the right (in an assigned parking space) you're supposed to go with one third of the space to your right and two thirds to the left. Then drive up towards the space so that your side is parallell to the spot. The go forward, go back, go forward (or was it the other way around?...boat teacher, help!). And all the time all these big yachts are there staring at you (or so it feels). I am so afraid I'm gonna do some damage. And yes, I know that I am insured and that boat teachers will take over if I do something terribly wrong, but I just cannot help myself. This is when boat teacher told me I have boatophobia. Too afraid of other boats. That is not a good thing when you're trying to get a license :) PS. Very funny when boat teacher told me why the openings are so small (to protect boats from wind if you didn't get it). Yes I knew that, was just exaggerating a bit for the blog :)...sometimes I wonder if there is a thing like Swiss sense of humour :)

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