Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I love to stereotype. And just as clichés often are true, so are stereotypes. Here's my list: Americans - Hardworking people, mainly because of risk of being fired which can easily happen "over there". No party animals. Can speak the CBS lingo fluently. Are less skilled in enjoying life's little things. Direct and to the point. Often think Europe is one country. Germans - Rigid and correct. Speak English with heavy accent. Always out of the charter hotel at 4 in the morning to put their towel on the sunbed to mark it occupied. Trustworthy. No sense of humour (at least none that anybody non-German can understand :). Love papers, the more documentation the better. Oldfashioned and use the formal Sie-form a lot. Organize their electronic telephone book in surname order (hey M, try to live dangerously!...and if you ever put my surname in your phone book you're out :). Swiss - A bit slow but thorough. Like to follow processes. Not as timely as you would think. A little bit of sense of humour. Good people in general - once you get to know them which may take a while. Like festivals and parades where they can dress up and pretend to be somebody else and not being recognized. Live in the most beautiful country there is. And take it for granted. Don't like to see it invaded by "foreigners". Italians - Very much for surface and artificiality. Italien men must have a flashy car, brand clothes, a Rolex and all the paraphernalia for any activity. All while they are 35 years old and still live with mama at home. Very good sense for design. All catholic and actually believe they are. All while they are having at least one mistress. It is said that the Italian women all stay home with the 11 children, but who is it then the Italian men are unfaithful with? Scandinavians - Perfect :)


Anonymous said...

I did it, am I out now? ;-)

Witchbitch said...

You're testing how far you can go with me. Which is daring since you haven't even moved in yet :)...