Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dutch and Hungarians

Thought I continue to give my view of some more stereotypes. Dutch - Very friend people, always up for a social activity of some kind. Unrealible in business, show up late for meetings, smiling and saying "files", which means traffic jam and makes everybody immediately understand. Holland (which really is the area between Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague and not the entire country which is called the Netherlands) is the third most populated country in the world per m2. I believe after Bangladesh and Pakistan, but any google-fan can object here. Stats change. Which means it is really crowded on the roads. But by no means would that mean that the Dutch would leave earlier to be on time. Or take the excellent public transportation for that matter. Dutch people resemble the Danes. And indeed, they are not so far apart. But for a foreign ear, their language sounds more like German. But they are not like the Germans at all. Very far from in fact mentalitywise. I like the Dutch. Have very fond memories from there. Hungarians - There's a totally other ballgame. Eastern Europe. 10+ years ago they were all Communists. Very fast change in those countries. I only have experience from Hungary. And that is not a good one. In business they do not know what to do. Never deliver on time. Are inattentive in meetings (all keep their private mobiles on, and answer when they ring!). Talk behind each others back. Do not understand the word "deadline". Etc etc. Mind you, it was a few years ago I had this experience, and since change is ongoing things may be better now. I will never find out, since I have no interest in ever going back there.


Anonymous said...

'Dutch and Hungarians'

you forgot the key stereotype about the Dutch: that they are, how to put it? careful with money. yet to meet one who didnt fit this description

Witchbitch said...

That is not true. I know everybody says this, but I have never not been generously treated by the Dutch. In a bar for example they do rounds. Not everyone paying for themselves. You join a group and immediately you're asked what you want to have, and they go and buy it for you.

Yes, you are expected to do the same but nevertheless, they have a bad reputation based on something I do not understand.

Perhaps the same thing with Swiss who are supposedly always on time. Not true that either.

Anonymous said...

well maybe its only the Dutch that leave the Netherlands then, since all the ones I know, while generous in other ways, are somewhat pennypinching. or maybe you just know wealthier ones, and I know only university types.

Witchbitch said...

I lived there for 2 years and only mixed with rich people :) no, just ordinary folks. But ordinary with a proper income.

Anonymous said...

"Dutch and Hungarians"

during vacation period especially in summer they "take over the control" of German motorways :-))

It doesn't fit to every Hungarian we have worked with but unfortunaley to the most of them. I realised that there effort regarding the project was related to the degree of apprenticeship and or job position.