Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Push and pull

My job as a friend is to know when to push and pull. When one of my friends is down my first job is to pull her or him back by being supportive, listen and just be there when necessary. This can be repeated many times. But my job as a friend is also to push when I think I heard enough of the same problem. Then my task is to push friend forward so that she or he can move on. Suggest solutions to the problem, give my opinion, get the person to view the problem from another angle. This is equally important as pulling. How do you know when to do what? Gut feeling I suppose. It is ever so difficult. Human relationships is something you will never learn to 100%, which is why it's so interesting! And it make us keep on trying...and trying...and trying :)


Anonymous said...

Push and pull

Nice words...and true!

Witchbitch said...

EVERYTHING on my blog is true :)

And thanks for the compliment!

Anonymous said...

... sorry - i was never good in taking advises from others. too bad, i know. most of the time i have to learn things the hard way - somtimes i do learn as well from others mistakes. we always have to learn what we have not so far. the time will show me, what i did not know by now...

Witchbitch said...

And trust me. Your friends will be there to guide you, whether you like it or not :)

Witchbitch said...

And trust me. Your friends will be there to guide you, whether you like it or not :)